Bulk Products
Although we do not offer our bulk products through online orders or though shipment, we do offer several bulk products through pick-up or delivery. Those orders will need to be made on site or via phone call at our garden center (423-870-5000). Additionally, we do carry several types of mountain stone via pallet or by the pound - that inventory is constantly changing and would be better reviewed by an onsite visit. The list below may not be all inclusive of our bulk products, it will give you an idea of what we try to maintain consistently in bulk product inventory.
Recently viewed

Mushroom Compost, Bulk (Yard)

Topsoil, Bulk (Yard)

Fill Dirt, Bulk (Yard)

Pine Mulch, Bulk (Yard)

Gravel, Bulk (Ton)
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River Rock Bulk (Ton)

2" Regular Thin Stack Fieldstone
Hardwood Mulch, Bulk

Thin Stack Fieldstone

Medium Thick Stack Fieldstone

Thick Stack Fieldstone

Oklahoma Bronze 2" Flagstone