Vegetable Plants
There's a calculator for that!
Not Sure How Much You Need?

Soil & Mulch Calculator
We sell our bulk soils and mulch by the yard! Input some basic measurements and this handy tool will let you know exactly how much you will need!

Gravel & Stone Calculator
We sell our gravel and stone by the ton! Input your measurements and this handy tool will tell you how much gravel or stone you will need!

Chocolate Bell Pepper Plant

Sweet Banana Pepper Plant

Red Cherry Large Tomato Plant

Super Sweet Genovese Basil Plant

Orange King Bell Pepper Plant

Pepperoncini Italian Pepper Plant

Poblano Pepper Plant

Sunrise Bumble Bee Tomato Plant

Waltham 29 Broccoli Plant

Ferneaf Dill Plant

Cocozelle Zucchini Summer Squash

Pineapple Tomato Plant

Mexico Midget Tomato Plant

Brandywine Red Organic Tomato Plant

Kentucky Beefsteak Tomato Plant

Garden Salsa Pepper Plant